THE GORGON Production: UK, 1964 Director: Terence Fisher Category: Horror Having covered every traditional monster angle, Hammer in 1964 turned to Greek mythology and came up with The Gorgon. Translating the action to Transylvania, the story tells of villagers being literally petrified by the Gorgon Medusa, a monstrous female with hissing, Continue Reading


SCREAM AND SCREAM AGAIN Production: UK, 1969-70 Director: Gordon Hessler Category: Horror/Science Fiction/Crime The best of an interesting series of horror films directed by Hessler in the late ’60s/early ’70s, Scream And Scream Again was scripted by Christopher Wicking, author of Hammer’s stand-out Demons Of The Mind amongst others, from the Peter Saxon Continue Reading


LA CAMPANA DEL INFIERNO (“Hell’s Bell”) Production: Spain, 1973 Director: Claudio Guerín & Juan Antonio Bardem (post-production) Category: Horror One of the very best of the first wave of Spanish horror movies 1967-75, a gothic arthouse nightmare of insanity, perversion, and murder that revolves around the question of whether the protagonist, recently Continue Reading


THE DUNWICH HORROR Production: USA, 1969 Director: Daniel Haller Category: Horror/H.P. Lovecraft One of the first screen adaptations of Lovecraft, directed by former Corman art director Haller with an eye towards psychedelic ritual sequences (including nudity and bird-masks) as much as horror. Attempting to transpose the ambience of their successful Poe films Continue Reading


BLOOD FEAST Production: USA, 1963 Director: Herschell Gordon Lewis Category: Gore Lewis invents the splatter movie with this outrageous, milestone offering; girls’ limbs are cut off, tongues pulled out by the roots, eyeballs gouged out, brains removed, bodies flayed, etc etc, in lurid color and loving detail. A primitive masterpiece, which Continue Reading