Production: USA, c.1983-85
Director: Lake & Ng
Category: Atrocity
There is no doubt that numerous sadists, paedophiles and serial killers have filmed or videotaped their crimes – not for profit, but for their own personal gratification (a perversion so vividly depicted in Michael Powell’s 1959 psycho film Peeping Tom). Whereas Moors Murderers Brady and Hindley only tape-recorded the torture of their child victims – presumably because they couldn’t afford a cine-camera – others have since made entire “home movies” of rape, torture, and even murder. Such a pair were Leonard Lake and Charles Ng. In 1983, survivalist weirdo Lake settled on two and a half acres of woodland near Wilseyville, in Calaveras County, California, enlisting the help of neighbours to construct a fortified bunker beside his cabin, stockpiling illegal weapons, torture devices, and stolen video equipment. Detectives soon learned that this equipment had been used by Lake and and his long-term partner in crime, Ng, to produce abhorrent visual records of two young women, Kathy Allen and Brenda O’Connor, being stripped and threatened, raped, and tortured, at least one of them mutilated so savagely that police believe she almost certainly died as a result. Other sociopaths who reputedly filmed their own crimes have included Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka (rape-torture), Fred Douglas and Richard Hernandez (murder), Richard Allen Sanders (child-murder), and Henry Lee Lucas and Ottis Toole (murder, torture, rape, human sacrifice). In 1999, two German men, Ernst Dieter Korzen and Stefan Michael Mahn, videotaped themselves raping and torturing a 21-year-old prostitute, with the intention of making an ultra-violent torture-porn video to sell on the black market; the prostitute died, on camera, before they could finish the video.

Posted by Rictus-23

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