Production: USA, 1974
Director: John Coney
Category: Avant-Jazz/Black Power
An incredible vehicle for the psychedelic talents of Sun Ra, the radical space-age free-jazz philosopher. Performance footage of his amazing Intergalactic Solar Arkestra is inserted into a plot that mixes a 1950s SF aesthetic with revolutionary politics and elements of blaxploitation, with Sun Ra presenting himself as a cosmic visitor offering his brothers salvation in outer space. Space Is The Place, perhaps the Arkestra’s seminal LP, was released in 1973. More of the man’s unique music and thoughts are to be found in the documentaries Sun Ra: A Joyful Noise (1981) and Mystery Mister Ra (1984). A parallel universe to the spaced-out funk of the Parliament/Funkadelic mothership, another interplanetary craft fuelled by nuclear music.

Posted by Neuro-Toxx

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