ERCOLE AL CENTRO DELLA TERRA (“Ercole At The Earth’s Center”) Production: Italy, 1961 Director: Mario Bava US release title: Hercules In The Haunted World Category: Peplum/Horror The most horror-oriented of the ’60s peplum craze, starring Christopher Lee. Visually rivalled only by Giorgio Ferroni’s lavish depiction of Dionysus at Thebes, Le Baccanti (also 1961), Continue Reading


PLAGUE OF THE ZOMBIES Production: UK, 1966 Director: John Gilling Category: Horror/Zombie Hammer’s Plague Of The Zombies concerns a voodoo cult at work in darkest 19th-century Cornwall, with the local squire (John Carson) creating a band of zombies to slave in his tin-mines. The film features freshly-disturbed graves, the dead walking the countryside, Continue Reading


LA ROSE ECORCHÉE (“The Flayed Rose”) Production: France, 1970 Director: Claude Mulot Category: Sex/Sadism/Freaks English title: The Blood Rose German title: Das Blutige Schloss der Lebenden Leichen (“Bloody Castle Of Living Corpses”) Promoted as the first “sex-horror” film, Mulot’s phantasy was a conflation of sex, nudity, violence, gore, and two sinister dwarfs. Continue Reading


EVIL OF FRANKENSTEIN Production: UK, 1964 Director: Freddie Francis Category: Horror Third in the Hammer Frankenstein franchise. Baron Frankenstein (Peter Cushing once again) is on the run from yet another band of outraged villagers when he comes across one of his earlier creations, a semi-human monster (played by Kiwi Kingston) that has Continue Reading


BLOOD OF THE VAMPIRE Production: UK, 1958 Director: Henry Cass Category: Horror/Sadism Not really a vampire movie, as the fiend in question is in fact a deranged scientist who drains his young female victims of blood in order to carry out medical experiments. His assistant is a hideously deformed hunchback. Really notable only Continue Reading


LA FÉE SANGUINAIRE (“The Bloodthirsty Fairy”) Production: Belgium, 1968 Director: Roland Lethem Category: Experimental Horror One of the most startling arthouse films of the 60s, in which a voluptuous nude creature launches violent assaults on religion and society; the film opens with a swastika before we see the avenging fairy/angel sexually abusing Continue Reading


GOUHUN JIANG TOU (“Erotic Degeneration”) Production: Hong Kong, 1982 Director: Meng Hua Ho English title (Hong Kong): Black Magic 2 US release title: Revenge Of The Zombies Category: Horror Gouhun Jiang Tou opens with swamp scenes of a topless woman devoured alive by a crocodile, followed swiftly by the reptile’s capture Continue Reading