Production: Hong Kong, 1983/88
Producer: Tomas Tang Kaak-Yan
English title: Cannibal Mercenary
Category: Vietnam/Cannibal
Probably the most violent gore movie to be associated with the Vietnam War genre. The film, which is an assemblage of footage from various source, concerns a band of Thai mercenaries sent into the jungle to rescue a woman from the Viet Cong. After a series of bloody battles with the VC, in which decapitation is the preferred method of dispatch, they meet up with the woman only to have their mission changed – they must now assassinate a renegade general who is trafficking drugs and who commands a savage band of human-flesh-eating tribesmen. Captured by this renegade, two of the mercenaries are butchered and eaten alive in a blood-spurting, brain-smearing cannibal orgy, before the others escape. After a bloody climactic battle, only the mercenary leader survives. The film ends with him in a military hospital, tortured by flashbacks which conveniently reprise every ultra-violent moment from the movie – including castration, blinding, and lynching – in one concentrated sequence. A crazed concoction of martial arts, gore and cannibal mayhem, The Jaguar Project truly takes the Vietnam jungle trip to “the end”.

Posted by The Purple Gas

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