LIANE, DAS MÄDCHEN AUS DEM URWALD (“Liane The Jungle Girl”) Production: Germany, 1956 Director: Eduard von Borsody US release title: Liane, Jungle Goddess Category: Jungle Exploitation Among the first post-war films from Germany to feature white female nudity, this was basically a female version of Tarzan with a topless teenage actress (Marion Michael) Continue Reading


BORN IN FLAMES Production: USA, 1983 Director: Lizzie Borden Category: Political A radical feminist feature, set in a hypothetical future New York, where a vigilante group called the Women’s Army assert their right to violent intervention. When one of them, a black militant lesbian, dies in police custody, women from all parts Continue Reading


MONDO CANE (“Dog World”) Production: Italy, 1962 Director: Paolo Cavara, Gualtiero Jacopetti & Franco Prosperi Category: Mondo The film that gave its name to a whole genre of cinema – the mondo movie. With Europa Di Notte in 1958, Italy’s cinema of the weird, exotic and shocking began to turn its Continue Reading


PLAGUE OF THE ZOMBIES Production: UK, 1966 Director: John Gilling Category: Horror/Zombie Hammer’s Plague Of The Zombies concerns a voodoo cult at work in darkest 19th-century Cornwall, with the local squire (John Carson) creating a band of zombies to slave in his tin-mines. The film features freshly-disturbed graves, the dead walking the countryside, Continue Reading


LA ROSE ECORCHÉE (“The Flayed Rose”) Production: France, 1970 Director: Claude Mulot Category: Sex/Sadism/Freaks English title: The Blood Rose German title: Das Blutige Schloss der Lebenden Leichen (“Bloody Castle Of Living Corpses”) Promoted as the first “sex-horror” film, Mulot’s phantasy was a conflation of sex, nudity, violence, gore, and two sinister dwarfs. Continue Reading